Map Change helps healthcare and technology organizations earn millions in new business, steer policy change, and shape the conversation.

We transform your business leaders into dynamic engines for growth.

Forged in the fires of journalism.

Reporters and editors know how to find the big story—and how to tell it on deadline.

Jack Murtha and Tom Castles meet in a community newsroom, where they uncover human-centric stories that win hearts, minds, and awards.

Jack sharpens his skills at Columbia University’s graduate journalism school, where his in-depth feature writing and creative vision earn him a fellowship with the storied Columbia Journalism Review.

Tom excels at business storytelling, working with marketing, communications, and public relations departments to improve their reach and results.

Jack and Tom reunite at a healthcare media company, first as editors and then as publishers, where they enlist established thought leaders to create new healthcare-technology brands whose reporting turns heads.

The pair launches Map Change to solve a pressing problem:

How can healthcare and technology organizations tell stories that are as exciting as their innovations?

The answer:

Turn your executives and experts into bonafide thought leaders.

Our Founders

Portrait of Jack Murtha, Map Change co-founder

Jack Murtha


Portrait of Tom Castles, Map Change co-founder

Tom Castles


Are you ready to tell your story?